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![]() Dick Cheney: Vice president who orchestrated the use of torture, secret prisons and detention without charge. |
![]() John Yoo: Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel authored memos that tried to provide a legal basis for the torture and abuse of prisoners in U.S. custody. |
![]() Alberto Gonzales: Former White House Counsel, chaired discussions about authorizing specific forms of torture and abuse, urged Bush not to apply Geneva Conventions to many detainees. |
![]() Condoleeza Rice: Chaired the National Security Council meetings reportedly authorizing specific forms of abuse on specific prisoners. |
![]() David Addington: Former counsel to Cheney had central role in developing the torture, abuse, and detention without charge policies. |
![]() Donald Rumsfeld: Former Secretary of Defense authorized the use of abusive interrogation methods at Guantánamo Bay Naval Base. |
![]() Geoffrey D. Miller: US General who oversaw Guantánamo Bay Naval Base when prisoners were abused and tortured there, and traveled to Iraq to oversee the "Gitmoization" of Abu Ghraib. |
![]() John Ashcroft: Reportedly participated in National Security Council meetings authorizing specific forms of abuse on specific prisoners and approved Office of Legal Counsel torture memoranda. |
![]() George Tenet: Director of the CIA oversaw the extraordinary rendition program as well as the abusive interrogation methods, including waterboarding, by CIA officials. |
![]() William Haynes: General Counsel at the Defense Department, signed off on the use of abusive interrogation methods by DoD personnel. |
When asked by ABC host George Stephanopoulos if top level Bush administration officials would be prosecuted for mandating prisoner abuse, Biden said that he and Obama would be “focusing on the future,” adding “I think we should be looking forward, not backwards.”
So, the Obama administration says: "we should be looking forward not backwards", and we should close our eyes to mass murder and war crimes.
Friends, don’t for one second believe that the Bush administration should go unpunished for war crimes. They have killed over 1.44 million Iraqi men, women, and children, and grossly violated the Geneva Conventions through the use of torture and mass murder on a grand scale.
They established a network of secret CIA prisons around the world, along with 17 prison ships where untold horrors were committed in America’s name.
There are tens of thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children presently held in concentration camps by the US. They have been subjected to severe emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. Those that still cling to life desperately await freedom and justice.
The Bush administration used banned weapons such as cluster bombs and white phosphorus on civilians and they have spread over 1000 metric tons of the deadly U238-isotope, America’s nuclear waste, over Iraq and Afghanistan, causing childhood leukemia and spontaneous abortions to become commonplace, dooming the people of both countries to endless suffering and premature death.
In a world where war criminals and mass murderers are allowed to go unpunished there will surely be more wars based on lies fought for profit and there will be more war crimes committed by dictators and politicians. They are emboldened by a weak immoral fearful citizenry unwilling to hold them accountable for their crimes.