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April 3rd, 2017

The year was 2000 and George W. Bush Jr. had rigged the election, stolen our country, and taken us to war. He stripped the American people of our 1st. amendment right to freedom of assembly by creating what he called, 'Free Speech Zones'. Chain link fence cages guarded by police, located where no one could see them. People who tried to protest his fascist policies outside the cages were jailed, tear gassed, maced, had their teeth knocked out, sculls fractured, ribs broken with riot batons, and eyes put out with rubber bullets.

I and many other Americans wanted to speak out and fight back, so I built an old fashioned MTML website. It required many hours of work each day to generate only a few pages. I didn't have the resources of NBC or ABC news with dozens of employees to maintain a big HTML site.

Twenty-four years ago, PHP code was used for the operation of simple blogs. Websites where people could post and respond to comments. In order for a comment to appear in the conversation on a blog, a non visible stand alone web page is also generated where each comment exists by itself.

A friend and I got the idea to use the PHP code from a b2evo blog as the basis for a new kind of PHP driven website that would look like an HTML site with a homepage and links across the top. The links were to blogs used to generate visible stand alone web pages containing news, articles, videos, books, and whatever we wanted.

My friend spent three weeks writing many pages of PHP code. I helped with the simpler coding and site design, but he was the brains behind our creation. My dear brilliant friend is no longer with me.

We had created the first PHP driven website that looked like an html site but was much lighter and faster. It was now possible for one person to operate and administrate a large website instead of a team of people like an HTML site.

Now I could post dozens of submissions, news links, and videos, single handedly generating many pages each day in only a few hours. quickly became one of the most popular sites on the net and I was putting up a good fight against the fascists who had stolen my country and constitutional rights.

I believe was the first php driven website on the net for over two years. We were that far ahead of the crowd. Eventually other people figured out what we had done and today this is the standard for website construction. suffered an attack and was seriously damaged. The PHP version the site uses is old and no longer supported by the server provider. This causes serious problems with the operation and function of the site. In order to repair the site and update the PHP code I need to hire a web developer. I've been told this will cost thousands of dollars. I'm 68 years old living on social security and I don't have the money. That's why I'm seeking donations to help me pay for the repairs.

So that can be free to speak out on the political issues of our choice, the site is not an IRS Section, 501 c-3, charitable organization and your contributions are not tax-deductible.

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I'm seeking donations to update the old PHP software version used by the website that's no longer supported by the server provider, repair damaged PHP code, and perform needed site maintenance. Your help is appreciated. Editor

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FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted articles and information about environmental, political, human rights, economic, democratic, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. This news and information is displayed without profit for educational purposes, in accordance with, Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. is a non-advocacy internet web site, edited by non-affiliated U.S. citizens. editor
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