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How the GOP Enriched the Rich and Made Everyone Else Poor!

November 3rd, 2008

Len Hart

If you have experienced a 'decline' in your net worth, you have gotten poorer. Congratulations! You have now joined the MILLIONS whose net worth numbers have declined consistently over a period of 28 years of GOP domination, incompetence and vainglorious imperial designs from which ONLY the Military/Industrial complex has benefited! Enough of this crap is enough. Just tell the GOP to bugger off!

The 'L-curve' helps one imagine the degree to which wealth in the United States in inequitably distributed by policy and by design. The US population is represented 'stretched across a football field in order of income, from poorest, on the left, to richest. Imagine a stack of $100 bills 'representing each person's income.' For example: a stack one inch high represents a stack of one hundred dollars bills, i.e, $25,000. The red line on the graph represents the height of that stack compared to an American football field.

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Why voting in the US elections is A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME

November 3rd, 2008

Clive Maund

[Click on image to enlarge.] The United States likes to portray itself as the bastion of freedom and champion of democracy, but if this were really true then there would be at least 6 or 8 different parties to choose from at election time, and given that it is now a country of over 300 million people a choice of at least 10 different parties would be more appropriate, but instead there are just two. Why is this? The reason comes down to the "concentration of power" issue that we addressed in an earlier article with respect to corporate American and the systematic disenfranchisement of its population. The reality is that the two remaining political parties, the Democratic and Republican parties are in fact one, and the only reason that the ultimate step is never taken and the parties merged is that with one party to vote for and an election being completely superfluous, even Joe Sixpack would realize that he is living in a dictatership. So the 2 remaining parties continue to dumbbell around each other for ever, maintaining the thinnest facade of democracy, and controlling the country for their elitist masters via their duopoly of power.

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The Power Elite Playbook, China: Shanghaied by Communism Part 15

November 3rd, 2008

Deanna Spingola

Who and what motivated Japan’s brutal activities against its neighbors as described in part 14? Britain detrimentally meddled in Asia in the 19th century and America meddled in Asia in the 20th century – who was behind their actions? Kuhn, Loeb and Company financed Japan’s Russian invasion in 1905 while the European Rothschilds financed the Russians which somehow failed to receive timely armament delivery. Russia’s objectives, viable in 1895, were an ice-free Pacific port and the acquisition of just enough leased territory for the continuation of her transcontinental railway.1 The conflict decimated Russia’s economy, preparatory to the well-planned revolution based on philosophy from Karl Marx (1818-83). The House of Rothschild, since 1863, had headquarters in four cities: London, Paris, Vienna and Frankfort.2

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In coming... outgoing... River of Time Flowing...

November 2nd, 2008

Les Visible

Well… here we are, less than two days out, waiting to see what surprises are in store and even if, from one large perspective, it looks to go one way… we’ve seen that before too. I want to say that I feel extremely positive, no matter what does or doesn’t happen. I’ve seen a lot of things go down over the years… sometimes from a distance and sometimes from closer in. It really does seem as if the world is mass insanity… always on the verge.

Powers shift to the left and shift to the right, swirling in the winds of collectively believed lies. The world of constantly fabricated illusion appears to have its own weather system. It seems like the bigger the lie, the larger the stormfront. Somebody must think that if you make a lot of noise and flash a lot of lights it will make whatever seems to be happening look authentic.

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The lying woman of Washington

November 2nd, 2008

Khalid Amayreh in Occupied Jerusalem

It is true that Condoleezza Rice is smarter than her conspicuously ignorant boss, President George Bush.

However, in terms of moral character, it is amply clear that Rice is at least as dishonest and mendacious as her boss is.

After all, we are talking about a woman who knows little or no moral distinction between truth and falsehood and between right and wrong.

This the very woman who two years ago had the guts to congratulate her Israeli counterpart, Tzipi Livni, on the “success” of the Nazi-like blockade Israel had been imposing on the Gaza Strip, which destroyed the Gaza economy and pushed 1.5 million innocent human beings to the brink of Auschwitz.

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Studs Terkel: The Passing of An Icon

November 2nd, 2008

Stephen Lendman

Despite his advanced age, the news came as a shock. An era had passed. On October 31, author, activist, actor, broadcaster, and mensch for all seasons Louis "Studs" Terkel died peacefully at his Chicago North Side home at age 96. Already weakened by other ailments, his health declined further from a fall in his home two weeks earlier.

His son Dan paid tribute to his father. He "led a long, full, eventful, sometimes tempestuous, but very satisfying life." He was the master of oral history. Calvin Trillin called him "America's pre-eminent listener" that was "all the more remarkable when you consider that he (was) a prodigious talker." On jazz to world affairs. His soap-opera days to the state of the nation. Interviews with entertainers, artists, politicians, philosophers and social critics. Figures like Bertrand Russell, John Kenneth Galbraith, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, Zero Mostel, and Margaret Mead. Others he knew like Mahalia Jackson, David Dellinger, Nelson Algren, and Eugene Debs. The greats and near-greats but mostly ordinary people.

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Not-Voting is a 'YES' vote to Reject a Corrupt System which thrives on the facade of Elections and Democracy!

November 1st, 2008

Zahir Ebrahim

This is Project Humanbeingsfirst's response to many people's idea of “write-in” independent candidates as an alternate means of creating a third choice in these facade of elections when one is not content choosing from the “lesser of two evils” paradigm.

It is greatly disturbing that some very conscionable peoples of the press are still crying hoarse of “election theft” and “voter fraud” when their entire country has already been stolen. It appears that all within the United States comprise only “the crowd of simpletons and the credulous.” As Hitler had put it.

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Happy Halloween

November 1st, 2008

Gabriele Zamparini

How would you explain to an Afghani child that Obama is the lesser of two evils when he's going to escalate the massive crimes against humanity the US and the NATO have already been committing in that country for the past seven years?

"We're confronting an urgent crisis in Afghanistan... It's time to heed the call... for more troops. That's why I'd send at least two or three additional brigades to Afghanistan... The terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 are still at large and plotting"

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The Elections and the Responsibility of the Intellectual to Speak Truth to Power

October 31st, 2008

Twelve Reasons to Reject Obama and Support Nader-McKinney

James Petras

The presidential elections in the US, once again, provide an acid test of the integrity and consequential conduct of US intellectuals. If it is the duty and responsibility of the public intellectual to speak truth to power, the recent statements of most of our well-known and prestigious public pundits have failed miserably. Instead of highlighting, exposing and denouncing the reactionary foreign and domestic policies of Democratic Party candidate Senator Barack Obama, they have chosen to support him, 'critically, offering as excuses that even limited differences can result in positive outcomes,and that Obama is the lesser evil and creates an opportunity for a possibility of change.

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Putting Eye Shadow on a Reptile

October 31st, 2008

Les Visible

I’ve been thinking about this for awhile but a comment from one of the Smoking Mirrors readers made it even more clear in my mind. I’m going to try to sketch this out in my limited fashion and hope that you will give me your thoughts about this.

To a certain degree it makes a great deal of sense and it’s come into my mind over the recent months… glaringly… up close… fine German lens-like… “crystal” as I like to say, either when understanding someone’s negative attention …or when I had to impress someone with their need to understand me in ways that I , thankfully, don’t encounter that much anymore but which residence in the former United States used to make necessary on occasion. Except we’re not talking about negative attention here and “crystal” only gets said in reply so… never mind.

Some of you may be familiar with the game of “Risk”. I had that game around for awhile but it was never easy to find enough people to play it with because it requires getting several really smart and informed people into the same room to do it and that’s a commodity that is increasingly rare as time passes. It’s a little like Chess but… I think you get the idea and you can google it if you don’t. It might help to encourage you to look at the way Napoleon liked to wage war. Even though he was one of history’s biggest losers he was also one of the great military tacticians of all time. He revolutionized certain facets of combat.

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