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US Hegemony and Its Perils: China’s Warning: WW III If US Keeps Bullying The World

March 10th, 2023
US Hegemony and Its Perils: China’s Warning: WW III If US Keeps Bullying The World

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Introduction — Since becoming the world's most powerful country after the two world wars and the Cold War, the United States has acted more boldly to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, pursue, maintain and abuse hegemony, advance subversion and infiltration, and willfully wage wars, bringing harm to the international community.

The United States has developed a hegemonic playbook to stage "color revolutions," instigate regional disputes, and even directly launch wars under the guise of promoting democracy, freedom and human rights. Clinging to the Cold War mentality, the United States has ramped up bloc politics and stoked conflict and confrontation. It has overstretched the concept of national security, abused export controls and forced unilateral sanctions upon others. It has taken a selective approach to international law and rules, utilizing or discarding them as it sees fit, and has sought to impose rules that serve its own interests in the name of upholding a "rules-based international order."

This report, by presenting the relevant facts, seeks to expose the U.S. abuse of hegemony in the political, military, economic, financial, technological and cultural fields, and to draw greater international attention to the perils of the U.S. practices to world peace and stability and the well-being of all peoples.

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Do the Conspirators Now Want World War III?

March 9th, 2023
Do the Conspirators Now Want World War III?

Dr Vernon Coleman

[20th April 2022] I am increasingly concerned that what is happening in Ukraine is being used as an excuse to build up enthusiasm for World War III. The conspirators are working hard to push the collaborating public (brains softened by too many months of mask wearing and too many toxic injections) into demanding a war against Russia.

In the same way that Germany’s invasion of Poland led to World War II, so it is looking more and more possible that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could be used as an excuse for the conspirators to start World War III.

There is no longer any doubt that NATO deliberately pushed Russia into invading Ukraine. Nor is there any doubt that this is not, by far, the most egregious military activity occurring at the moment. The wars in Yemen and Syria have killed far more people but have aroused little or no interest among Western politicians or journalists.

I don’t think anyone who has studied the evidence would disagree with the conclusion that Russia was inspired to invade Ukraine in order to help further the plans of those behind the Great Reset.

The food, fuel and fertiliser shortages which are a direct result of the orchestrated invasion will wreck the global economy and force up inflation, prices and interest rates. In the West, particularly Europe, there will be much hardship. Millions will lose their jobs and millions will lose their homes.

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Assange’s Extradition Is Another Building Block of The Controlled Explanation

March 8th, 2023

Paul Craig Roberts

Assange’s Extradition Is Another Building Block of The Controlled Explanation
The Corrupt US & British governments, greatly aided and abetted by Western presstitutes, have destroyed the First Amendment protection of journalism. Julian Assange’s extradition to the US to stand trial for espionage signals the termination of a free press as a method of holding government accountable. Henceforth, any journalist who publishes a leaked story unfavorable to the government can be prosecuted as a spy.

During the Vietnam War the US government tried this on Daniel Ellsberg and the New York Times, but could not get away with it. But times have changed. Today’s Ellsberg–Julian Assange–and today’s New York Times–Wikileaks–are demonized as spies serving foreign intelligence.

The New York Times and The Guardian, both of which published some of the Wikileaks’ material leaked allegedly by Chelsea Manning, escaped prosecution in the case by turning on Assange and helping Washington to demonize him. The rest of the presstitute media joined in, including Wikipedia, which falsely reports the situation as it does most issues that have been turned into controversies. Today hardly anyone knows the true story.

Assange’s troubles began when two Swedish women, attracted by his celebrity, took him home to their beds. One of the women became concerned about an episode of unprotected sex and asked Assange for reassurance by taking an Aides test. He foolishly refused. The woman asked the police if he could be ordered to take the test. It was this question, not a rape charge by either of the women, that spawned the police investigation of rape. The Swedish prosecutorial office investigated and as there was no charge or evidence of rape, closed the case. Assange was free to leave Sweden.

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On the 40th Anniversary Of The Israeli Plan To Attack Iran

March 7th, 2023
On the 40th Anniversary Of The Israeli Plan To Attack Iran

Video Rebel's Blog

[May 25, 2022] Later this month the US will join in an Israeli mock attack on Iran by offering mid-air refueling to Israeli jets. This is nonsense. Israel has been claiming since 1988 that Iran is months away from developing nuclear weapons. There is no such program. Iran has a nuclear power plant but has neither nuclear weapons nor a program to make them.

If Israel were ever to attack Iran, the response of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah would devastate Israel. It would be akin to Israeli self-immolation. And the US military would become engaged in a hot war they could not win without nuclear weapons.

My mother used to say, “England is always willing to fight to the last American.” We could truthfully revise that for the modern era by saying “Israel is willing to fight to the last American.”

40 years ago, Oded Yinon, an Israeli journalist with ties to the Mossad, first announced the plan to attack Iran. US General Wesley Clark told us that the 2001 Neocon version of the plan was for the US to attack 7 Muslim nations in 5 years. The nations in order were: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off with Iran.

Of course it should be noted that Israel did 911. They used uninterrupted automatic pilot to guide the planes that hit the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center. Bear with me but younger people were either toddlers or born after 911 so many of them do not know that Tower 7 collapsed in 6.5 seconds and was never hit by a plane. Tower 7 was taken down by a controlled demolition.

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Newspeak and Ing (I Mean) AmSoc

March 6th, 2023
Newspeak and Ing (I Mean) AmSoc

Andrei Martyanov

How can one possibly start trying to extricate oneself from own pile of shit such as that created by the US Department of State in 404? Tony Blinken--the strategists' strategist, the geopolitical thinker of the scale of Bismark... nah, I am screwing with you--some mediocrity with "soft degree" in some BS from Ivy League, but well versed in obfuscation, double meaning and gaslighting, in other words newspeak, tries. Here is his PBS interview:

Judy Woodruff: Well, as — what we're hearing from experts, though, at the same time, is, no matter how unfair or repugnant it may seem, that it is now appearing inevitable that Ukraine is going to have to make territorial concessions in the east. Is that what you see, that they are going to have to bow to Vladimir Putin and give him that territory that he says he wants?

💬 Antony Blinken: Judy, Ukraine's future is up to the Ukrainians. It's up to the Ukrainian people. And, ultimately, those decisions will be made by its democratically elected government, including President Zelenskyy. He will have to determine what's in the best interests of his country and his people. And we will support that. We're not going to be less Ukrainian than the Ukrainians. We're not going to be more Ukrainian than the Ukrainians. But it is fundamentally up to them. And that's ultimately what this is about. Vladimir Putin is trying to take away from Ukrainians the right to determine their own future. We strongly support that right. And we will look to the Ukrainians to decide what's in their best interest.

Boy, they really do think that nobody remembers what was this all about? Those who matter in this world know what is this all about--it is all well documented and, as was predicted from the get go, is clearly understood for what it is--a rush to remove oneself from a whopper of geopolitical defeat which is unfolding before our eyes. No, it is not Afghanistan 2.0, not even close--Afghanistan is just a hiccup on the way to a convulsing end to Pax Americana, as was envisioned by the same "experts" in foreign affairs as Tony Blinken, Francis Fukuyama or Zbig. Now is the time to put a lipstick on the pig and try to look stately and smart. Like this, yet another Ph.D in "political science" from Pentagon.

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Our “Leaders” are Guilty of High Treason, Says Real Pope

March 5th, 2023
Our “Leaders” are Guilty of High Treason, Says Real Pope

Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Declaration Regarding the Yielding of Sovereignty to the WHO for the Management of Health Emergencies

In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules,including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations and vaccine passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.

Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that Parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that properly belongs to individual Nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the Agenda 2030, which in the field of healthcare also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry, and disease prevention by means of vaccines.

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The Truth about Long Covid

March 3rd, 2023
The Truth about Long Covid

Dr Vernon Coleman

A list of the commonest side effects associated with the covid-19 jabs just happens to be the same as the commonest symptoms associated with `long covid’.

In early 2022, the UK Government said that there were officially 1.3 million people in Britain suffering from ‘long covid’ – and that the figure was rising fast. Two thirds of those individuals were reported to have been off work for a year or more. Almost before the figure had been published it had been amended and the total was said to be approaching two million. A report from the US suggested that around 12 million Americans were alleged to be off work with `long covid’. Covid believers claim that 12% of those who’ve had covid still have symptoms 12 weeks later.

The media ignored the fact that the biggest and most significant research into long covid, involving 26,000 individuals, concluded that long covid is largely a psychological problem. People who had taken a year off work on full pay didn’t want to go back to their offices. The evidence shows that long covid is a combination of hypochondria and malingering. It’s the beginning of the universal basic income – a critical part of the Great Reset now being trialled in Wales and Ireland. It has been proved beyond doubt that there was never a covid pandemic . What was called covid-19 was the rebranded flu. And although a few people do suffer from mental and physical tiredness for a while after the flu, we now have a global long covid pandemic. So, why have they created this fake disease – ‘long covid’?

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Reaffirming US Support for the Scourge of Nazism Infesting Ukraine

March 2nd, 2023
Reaffirming US Support for the Scourge of Nazism Infesting Ukraine

Stephen Lendman

Having created the scourge of Nazism infesting Ukraine for perpetual war on nonthreatening Russia, the Biden regime reaffirmed it by Janet Yellen’s visit to Kiev on Monday. She arrived at a time of growing anti-war protests in Britain, France, Germany and elsewhere in Europe against US/Western support for the scourge of Nazi-infested Ukraine.

Her visit coincides with another $2 billion worth of arms and equipment by the Biden regime for US-installed Nazis in Kiev and more illegally imposed sanctions on Russia. And it’s at a time when hegemon USA and its Western vassals most likely will use around $300 billion in stolen Russian assets to fund reconstruction in Nazi-infested Ukraine. On Sunday, Vladimir Putin stressed the following:

💬 “In today’s conditions, when leading NATO (regimes) declared their main goal (is to inflict) a strategic defeat on us, so that our people suffer as they say, how can we ignore their nuclear capabilities?”

Separately since 2014, hegemon USA transformed Ukraine from a nation-state to a self-destructive platform for perpetual war on Russia. Over the past year, around 12 million Ukrainians either fled cross-border or relocated internally. Over half a million of its best and brightest were killed, maimed or otherwise wounded. The regime’s economy was destroyed. Without continued US/Western military and related aid, the puppet Zelensky regime and its military would collapse. US/Western support sustains Nazism infesting central Europe. Ignored is a one-party former nation-state abhorrent of what just societies hold most dear under US-installed puppet leadership — governance of, by and for all Ukrainians equitably banned.

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It’s Coming

March 1st, 2023
It’s Coming

James Howard Kunstler

[Photo:] Woody Harrelson during the Monologue on Saturday, February 25, 2023. (Will Heath/NBC via Getty Images)
Woody Harrelson has always harbored some, well, strange views (JHK).

"Millions of people in the West see the spiritual catastrophe their societies are being led towards. The elites are going crazy, but that is their problem. What we have to do is defend our children from this degradation and degeneracy." — Aimee Therese on Twitter.

“It’s Coming.” That’s what Elon Musk said a while back apropos of the Twitter files that show all the US government suppression of Covid-19 information mis-labeled as “misinformation.” Think of whatever the truth is as mis-misinformation. Get it? You might have to read that sentence more than once to comprehend what went wrong with the American consensus the past three years. And then you’ll begin to understand why the operation is called mind-fuckery.

“It” comes out in weird ways now. For instance, Woody Harrelson’s little prank on Saturday Night Live. The A-List actor opened the show acting stoned, talking about how much he likes weed and getting stoned, and, at the very end of his routine, spoke of a “movie script” that spun out in his stoned head:

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Misperception and Amplification of Climate Risk

February 28th, 2023
Misperception and Amplification of Climate Risk

Judith Curry

“Something frightening poses a perceived risk. Something dangerous poses a real risk.” – Swedish physician Hans Rosling et al.[i]

This post is a follow on to my recent post Victims of the faux climate ‘crisis’. Part I: Children. The issue of psychological trauma of children is one that I am continuing to work on, to identify root causes and a way forward.

The theme of this particular post is how our perceptions of risk differ from the actual risk itself. Understanding this difference provides insights to understanding these fears, as well as providing insights into how these differences are manipulated by propagandists.

Apart from the objective facts about a risk, the social sciences find that our interpretation of those facts is ultimately subjective. Risk science makes a clear distinction between professional judgments about risk versus the public perception of risk. Risk perception is a person’s subjective judgement or appraisal of risk, which can involve social, cultural and psychological factors.

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