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To Avoid 1st Amendment Concerns, Biden Administration Announces They Will Let Facebook Run the Gulags

July 18th, 2021
Categories: News

Link: https://anti-empire.com/to-avoid-1st-amendment-concerns-biden-administration-announces-they-will-let-facebook-run-the-gulags/

After critics raised concerns regarding the constitutionality of the Biden administration’s planned gulags for anti-vaxxers and insurrectionists, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki announced they will avoid any legal pitfalls by having Facebook run the camps instead. Legal experts say that since Facebook is a private corporation, it can do whatever it wants, even if that means forcibly detaining American citizens in labor camps until they die of abuse and malnutrition Facebook said they remain committed to gently re-educating purveyors of vaccine and 2020 election misinformation until they have all the correct opinions on everything..

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