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Aussie Cops Pledge To Unleash “Full Force” As Large Anti-Lockdown Protests Turn Violent

August 23rd, 2021
Categories: News

Link: https://www.activistpost.com/2021/08/aussie-cops-pledge-to-unleash-full-force-as-large-anti-lockdown-protests-turn-violent.html

Peaceful, anti-lockdown protests turned violent, clashing with Australian police, who responded with pepper spray, roadblocks and arrests. New South Wales deputy police commissioner Mal Lanyon explained is not about stopping free speech, is about the virus., State police minister David Elliott warned protesters would face full force of the NSW police. Police in New South Wales,, announced Saturday public transport routes and ride shares to downtown Sydney would be blocked. Trains had to skip major train stations until 2 p.m. Taxis and rideshare companies threatened with fines of up to half a million dollars if they take people to central Sydney between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

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