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Donald J. Trump: “Government funding bill allows Biden to bring anyone from Afghanistan to your community with free welfare and government-issued

October 1st, 2021
Categories: News

Link: https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/donald-j-trump-government-funding-bill-allows-biden-to-bring-anyone-from-afghanistan-to-your-community-with-free-welfare-and-government-issued/

In the government funding bill, Democrats are trying to pass just found, is unlimited money to
random, unscreened, unvetted Afghan nationals. Immigration rewrite allows Biden to bring anyone he wants from Afghanistan for next year—no vetting, no screening, no security— fly them to your community with free welfare and government-issued IDs Also covers people who don’t live in Afghanistan, as long as they used to live there. Biden can load up planes of former Afghans from
Pakistan or elsewhere without any limits, checks or a lawful visa or refugee status

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