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Banks Around World Are Suffering Big Outages, Leaving Millions Of Customers In Lurch At Worst Possible Time

October 3rd, 2021
Categories: News

Link: https://www.activistpost.com/2021/10/banks-around-world-are-suffering-big-outages-leaving-millions-of-customers-in-lurch-at-worst-possible-time.html

Twenty banks suffering repeated outages in six countries (one in lockdown), five continents, tens of millions of unhappy customers.New Zealand UK, Japan, South Africa, Venezuela and Mexico, Operating failures at Mexico’s largest bank, BBVA Mexico, left 24 million account holders unable to use bank’s 13,000 ATMs, mobile app or in-store payments, in-branch cash services. for 20 hours. on a Sunday. Bank blamed the outage on a system update failure.


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