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750 Bases in 80 Countries Is Too Many for Any Nation — But Just the Right Number for a Planetary Empire

October 5th, 2021
Categories: News

Link: https://anti-empire.com/750-bases-in-80-countries-is-too-many-for-any-nation-but-just-the-right-number-for-a-planetary-empire/

750 American military facilities remain in 80 nations and territories around the world.. United Kingdom has 145. Russia two to three dozen. China five. Annual cost of this expansive base structure $80 billion. No country in history had such a dominant presence. Britain was the leading colonial power, but its army was small. Bases are costly in a number of ways: financially, politically, socially, environmentally.. US bases in foreign lands raise geopolitical tensions, support undemocratic regimes, serve as a recruiting tool for militant groups opposed to US presence and governments its presence bolsters. Foreign bases being used and have made it easier for the United States to launch and execute disastrous wars, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya.”

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