« Divers find wreckage of USS Challenger in Florida | John Bolton mocks First Amendment as reporter detained (VIDEO) » |
Unfortunately, this country is headed for a horrible outcome. No self-governing society can suffer the strain to civil society that comes from loss of regime credibility. This overt and actual illegal censorship, in violation of the First Amendment, must be brought to a halt. How that takes place, really doesn't matter anymore. | The US Department of Homeland Security is actively engaged in the deprivation of American's constitutionally protected free speech rights. They are using our own tax money to strip away our rights. ● Last week, The Intercept published a set of leaks that drew broad interest in perhaps the most under-covered scandal inside the US government today: the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) quiet move to establish, for the first time in US history, an explicitly inward-facing domestic censorship bureau. ● What The Intercept glimpsed, however, is just the tip of a much larger iceberg.