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Judge in Trump New York Trial Appears to Be Accepting BRIBES from Democrats through Daughter's Company

May 19th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/national-news/judge-in-trump-new-york-trial-appears-to-be-accepting-bribes-from-democrats-through-daughters-company

The New York felony Trial of former President Donald Trump continues. However, it appears from federal election records, the Judge in the case may be accepting Bribes from Democrats through his daughter's political consulting company. | Investigative Journalist Laura Loomer reports that she ". . .was searching through Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman’s FEC disclosure forms for his campaign disbursements." Loomer goes on to report "YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT I FOUND! THIS COULD CHANGE THE ENTIRE TRUMP TRIAL!"  After reviewing the records of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) Loomer reports "According to FEC records, the address that NY Democrat Congressman sends his checks to when he pays “Authentic Campaign” is a Richmond, Virginia address that happens to be the personal home residence of Loren Merchan; Judge Merchan’s daughter.

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion | So a New York State Supreme Court Judge, allows a case to go forward against a former President of the United States, under a legal theory that an uncharged, unprosecuted, and unproven FEDERAL "Crime," allows the State of New York to bring Felony charges for "Altering/Forging Business Records" by paying "hush money" to a woman for her to keep quiet about extra-marital sex. Paying money to a person for them engaging in a non-disclosure agreement is lawful and is done many times a year!  The Judge assigned to the case, has a daughter who, politically, is a big Trump Hater, and who runs her own political consulting firm.  Congressman Dan Goldman, a Democrat, and another rabid Trump Hater, then starts dispersing his campaign funds to this daughter of the Judge, to the tune of about $162,000.  The Judge, from allowing the bogus legal theory to move forward, handles the entire case in a biased manner aggressively against the former President, including issuing a Gag Order preventing the former President from responding to public challenges or from criticizing ". . . the judges family . . . " and the whole world is supposed to believe that the $162,000 paid by the Democrat to the Judge's daughter, didn't get the Judge to behave this way? Sorry, I don't buy it.

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