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Russia warns the U.S. to brace for retaliation after Kremlin blamed Washington for missile attack that killed four in Crimea

June 25th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13563555/Russia-warns-U-S-brace-retaliation-Kremlin-blamed-Washington-missile-attack-killed-four-Crimea.html

The Kremlin has accused the U.S. of 'killing Russian children' after a Ukrainian attack on occupied Crimea with long-range missiles supplied by Washington and said there will be 'consequences'. Moscow has summoned the U.S. ambassador to issue a formal warning, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov issued a public statement slamming the U.S. for 'barbaric' strike on Sevastopol, a strategic port city on the Black Sea.

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