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Democrats hope Gavin Newsom can replace Biden - but do they know about the sleazy California Governor's infidelities, addiction, TEENAGE lover... and why allies say he 'doesn't have real friends'?

July 3rd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13589623/Gavin-Newsom-replace-Biden-California-Governor-infidelities-addiction-teenage-lover.html

And as the Democratic party is gripped by an existential crisis over the clear ineptitude of their commander-in-chief, with left-wing voices finally questioning openly the suitability of Biden's candidacy, Newsom's name is among the first to be raised in conversations about a potential replacement ahead of the November 5 election.

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The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation

“In The End of Everything, Hanson tells compelling and harrowing stories of how civilizations perished. He helps us consider contemporary affairs in light of that history, think about the unthinkable, and recognize the urgency of trying to prevent our own demise.” — H. R. McMaster, author of Battlegrounds. From Troy to Hiroshima, moments when war has ended in utter annihilation have reverberated through the centuries, signaling the end of political systems, cultures, and epochs. Modern societies are not immune from the horror of a war of extinction. Hanson delivers a sobering call to contemporary readers to heed the lessons of obliteration lest we blunder into catastrophe once again.
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