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Americans ready for war... against US government

July 8th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://infobrics.org/post/41603

Drago Bosnic | A national poll (conducted by Marist Poll) in late May showed that a staggering 47% of American citizens believe a new civil war is likely to happen during their lifetime. | A national poll (conducted by Marist Poll) in late May showed that a staggering 47% of American citizens believe a new civil war is likely to happen during their lifetime. The populace also deeply distrusts the mainstream propaganda machine, as evidenced by previous polls showing that nearly 40% of Americans don't trust their media in the slightest. And who could possibly blame them? The American people have been lied to for decades, with warmongering politicians tricking them into supporting wars and foreign meddling that only exacerbated world problems, which would often come back and bite the electorate in the US itself. Now, many Americans believe that the corrupt federal institutions are trying to push for a global confrontation in order to take away their constitutionally guaranteed rights and basic freedoms.

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