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There can be no negotiating with an (American) elite who flood a country with (illegal) migrants, and then ignore, excuse or tacitly condone the rape and murder of natives by those migrants.

August 10th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://palexander.substack.com/p/there-can-be-no-negotiating-with

There is no negotiating with people who will send males into women’s and girls bathrooms and locker-rooms. There is no negotiating with people who sterilize and sexually mutilate children. There is no negotiating with people who excuse or condone pederasty. It is time to man up. It is time to come together. It is time to meet the war that is being waged against you and yours, on our terms. America is something very different than Washington DC and Wall Street. Where are the brothers, fathers, grandfathers, male cousins, of those working class girls groomed by Islamic migrants as sex slaves?

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