« Ukrainian dissident reveals brutal censorship and repression by the Kyiv regimeThere can be no negotiating with an (American) elite who flood a country with (illegal) migrants, and then ignore, excuse or tacitly condone the rape and murder of natives by those migrants. »

There Is Something Rotten in Washington

August 10th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=292682

More recently the fun fair on the Potomac turned its guns on a major critic of the federal government’s policies, most notably exercising its proclivity to float a lot of lies to turn anyone who exercises his or her first amendment right to free speech into some kind of traitor who has to be silenced. Many would argue that if the Biden Administration has one major failure beyond losing control over the country’s southern border, it is failure to manage US Foreign Policy in such a fashion as to avoid initiating or expanding existing international conflicts so as to turn them into major wars.

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