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NUCLEAR EXTORTION! What could go wrong?

August 22nd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=246265

This rapidly developing nuclear threat is — BY FAR — the most serious and consequential conflict on the global military chessboard today. Does the US-UK-UA-NATO Terror Group really believe that Russia will not react with fury should the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant be bombed? It seems that the Zelensky’s neo-Nazi regime does not even care about engineering a nuclear fall-out catastrophe ON OR WITHIN ITS OWN BORDERS. Not only has the Ukraine military unrelentingly attacked the largest nuclear power plant in Europe — the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station — it’s located on Ukrainian territory. Which means that there’s only one good explanation for such a suicidal move and cataclysmic maneuver for all of Europe and Russia. The true perpetrators of all of this nuclear terrorism recklessly conducted in both Ukraine and Russia can only be the world’s most powerful terrorist organization. As follows:

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