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Kamala's Message of Joy

August 28th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/2024/08/27/kamala-s-message-of-joy#more31229

Kamala and Tim want joy
for every girl and boy.
That's their dirty ploy.

JOY as the cost of living
goes ever higher and higher
because of the Kamala/Biden wars
which their puppet-masters desire.

JOY for the Palestinians
as we flatten their land
and bomb their women and children.
We're sure they'll understand.
Her bosom swells with pride
while she funds Netanyahu's genocide.
(Kamala's fake compassion is bland
as she hugs Katy Perry and Ariana Grande.)

JOY for 30 million illegals
she let across the border.
She gives them free money and credit cards
so they'll vote for the Democrats' New World Order.

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