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Joe Rogan Warns Kamala Harris Will Destroy Free Speech If Elected

September 29th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://slaynews.com/news/joe-rogan-warns-kamala-harris-destroy-free-speech-elected/

Podcaster Joe Rogan has warned his millions of viewers and listeners that Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris will destroy Americans’ free speech rights if she’s elected president in November. During his show “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the host said the First Amendment will be under serious threat because of how extreme Harris and her running mate Tim Walz are. Rogan issued the warning this week while talking with his guest, former U.S. Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan. Speaking the political Left’s desire to censor speech, Rogan said: “I don’t think it turns around if Kamala Harris gets into office, I think they clamp down more.

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