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Melania Trump says her husband’s survival of would-be assassinations were ‘miracles’

September 29th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/melania-trump-says-her-husbands-survival-of-would-be-assassinations-were-miracles/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa

While sitting down for an exclusive interview with 'Fox & Friends' this week, Melania said that Thomas Matthew Crooks’ and Ryan Routh’s failed plans to gun down her husband Donald Trump were 'miracles.' Pledge to pray for Donald Trump after assassination attempt: Sign now (LifeSiteNews) — Former First Lady Melania Trump believes her husband’s survival of two would-be assassination attempts in recent months are due to divine intervention. While sitting down for an exclusive interview with “Fox & Friends” this week, Melania said that Thomas Matthew Crooks’ and Ryan Routh’s failed plans to gun down her husband were “miracles.” “If you really think about it, July 13 was a miracle. Like that much and he could not be with us … I think something was watching over him. I think, it’s almost like the country really needs him,” she said.

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