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Tim Walz appointee pushes critical race theory to ‘deconstruct’ US, promoted ‘overthrow’ of America

September 29th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/tim-walz-appointee-pushes-critical-race-theory-to-deconstruct-us-promoted-overthrow-of-america/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa

Gov. Tim Walz hired ‘urban and multicultural education’ professor Brian Lozenski, who promotes critical race theory and said it requires the ‘overthrow’ of the United States, to help implement Minnesota’s ‘ethnic studies’ standards. (LifeSiteNews) — Vice President Kamala Harris’s selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her Democrat running mate for the White House continues to prompt a closer look at Walz’s record as governor, which most recently has drawn attention to one of his most radical appointees, Macalester College associate professor of urban and multicultural education Brian Lozenski.

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