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Volunteer surgeons in Gaza describe ‘horrifying violence deliberately directed at civilians,’ children

September 29th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/volunteer-surgeons-in-gaza-describe-horrifying-violence-deliberately-directed-at-civilians-children/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa

Despite both having worked for decades on volunteer programs in developing nations, two American surgeons said their experience could not have prepared them for the horrors they witnessed in Gaza, accusing Israel of orchestrating genocide. Despite both having worked for decades on volunteer programs in developing nations, two American surgeons said their experience could not have prepared them for the horrors they witnessed in Gaza, accusing Israel of orchestrating genocide. Note from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: There is much in this article that is hard to watch and read. But the only way to fully understand the barbarism Palestinians are enduring in Gaza and now also the West Bank and Lebanon, and to honor the compassionate doctors who do this work, is by watching and listening to these stories. Their purpose is to save many innocent lives and end this horrendous war. There has been an immense amount of lies, denial, and suppression of the truth by the Israeli IDF and government and most media in order to keep the genocide going. The truth has to be told and LifeSiteNews is doing so in this article. Very few in the West, and even in Israel, are aware of how evil this situation has become. Please tell others about the article.

WARNING: Some of the following video material contains scenes which may distress some viewers. Discretion is advised.

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