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CDC Onboarding | Facebook Censorship Dashboard

September 30th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.truth11.com/cdc-onboarding-facebook-censorship-dashboard/

On Wednesday, America First Legal (AFL) revealed documents that shed new light on the collaborative efforts between Facebook and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic used to censor free speech. The documents, obtained through litigation against the CDC, expose detailed onboarding materials used to train CDC employees on a specially designed Facebook portal aimed at curbing what they labeled "Covid & Vaccine Misinformation."

💬 These documents reveal how Facebook, on the heels of extreme pressure from the Biden-Harris White House (including from Rob Flaherty, a current senior Harris Campaign staffer) to remove specific posts, responded:Facebook created a new “end-to-end workflow” so that government officials could submit links for removal from Facebook;Facebook only gave access to the portal to approved government and law enforcement personnel;The new portal dramatically increased the efficiency of the censorship machine.

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