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Reporters Without Borders’ Attack on Sputnik and RT Highlights NGO’s Status as ‘Media Wing of NATO'

September 30th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://sputnikglobe.com/20240930/reporters-without-borders-attack-on-sputnik-and-rt-highlights-ngos-status-as-media-wing-of-nato-1120363750.html

Reporters Without Borders has published a sensationalist report on Russian media's work in the Balkans as part of a new project known as 'The Propaganda Monitor', accusing Sputnik and RT of spreading "disinformation" and demanding a crackdown by the EU. Balkan affairs expert Stevan Gajic tells Sputnik why such fearmongering doesn't work on Serbs. Reporters Without Borders' (French acronym RSF) new 'Propaganda Monitoring' multimedia minisite promises to "promote reliable journalism" by exposing "the many faces and tactics behind propaganda worldwide, bolstering the public's understanding of the information space and helping them navigate it more safely."

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