« IN COMPLETE DENIAL: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid Insist That Tim Walz Won the VP Debate (VIDEO)The conversation between the illegitimate Governor, illegitimate Attorney General, and illegitimate Secretary of State also revealed that they believed the number of affected voters was actually 148,000 voters, »

Joe Biden Tells Americans Suffering in Flood Disaster Zone… “No.” There Won’t be More Resources Coming… “We’ve Given Them All We Have” (VIDEO)

October 1st, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/joe-biden-tells-americans-suffering-flood-disaster-zone/

Another devastating disaster hit the southern United States this week and the Biden-Harris administration is nowhere to be found. Joe Biden tells suffering Americans in southeast after record flooding, “We’ve given them everything we have.” – screengrab CSPAN video. But Biden gave six billion dollars recently to Ukraine and six billion to Israel.

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