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Putin’s Nuclear Doctrine Updates Are a Final Warning to the West

October 1st, 2024
Categories: News

Link: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/2024/09/30/putin-s-nuclear-doctrine-updates#more31489

There are too many people who think the Kremlin is bluffing and they can behave with impunity towards Russia. Vladimir Putin’s decision to update Moscow’s nuclear doctrine isn’t a knee-jerk reaction to current events. Unlike, for example, the threat to attack deeper inside Russia with long-range missiles. The changes were flagged by the Russian president several months ago, and from yesterday’s speech we learned that the Strategic Deterrence Commission meets twice a year, which means that the document itself is constantly being re-read and re-thought. The merits of strengthening nuclear deterrence became clear more than two years ago, when the US declared that its goal – in the Ukraine conflict – is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. The West then began its game of escalation. Moscow’s old nuclear doctrine was aimed at other wars and scenarios and proved ineffective at deterring the enemy in the new circumstances.

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