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Election interference in North Carolina: Hurricane Helene devastates areas of the battleground state with limited access to voting just weeks before election

October 2nd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-10-02-hurricane-helene-north-carolina-limited-voting-election.html

Potentially millions of people living in and around western North Carolina could be prevented from voting in the upcoming election following all the destruction caused by Hurricane Helene. Officials in the battleground state are reportedly working on ways to restore voting in Asheville and surrounding areas after Helene destroyed election board offices and suspended mail service for the time being. An astounding 14 election board offices in the Appalachian region, including one in the city of Asheville, are closed with mail service suspended while emergency responders assess the damage and come up with some kind of remediation plan.

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