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Joy Behar Says Creepy Tim Walz Had “One Faux Pas” in Debate Claim That He’s Friends With School Shooters

October 2nd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/joy-behar-says-creepy-tim-walz-had-one/

Joy Behar, one of the lowest-IQ individuals on the View every night, was absolutely ridiculed on Fox’s The Ingrahm Angle after she claimed that Tim Walz had only “one faux pas” during his Tuesday debate with Trump running mate J.D. Vance. The leftist media is going nuts trying to overcompensate for Walz’s buffoonish and abysmal debate performance. One thing that Walz proved to the world is that he’s as dumb as Kamala Harris. But as conservatives, we already knew that you have to be dumber than rocks or the biggest creep in the world to require menstrual products in young boys’ bathrooms.

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