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‘Suicidal Venture’: What Are Consequences of US Economic, Military Attacks on Russia?

October 2nd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://sputnikglobe.com/20241002/suicidal-venture-what-are-consequences-of-us-economic-military-attacks-on-russia-1120378290.html

Russia has proven highly resilient, maintaining stronger GDP growth than any country backing the Kiev regime in the wake of Western coercive economic sanctions. The United States and its Western allies have backed military and economic aggression against Russia for a number of years, attempting to impose a “strategic defeat” on the country in its conflict with Ukraine. US President Barack Obama, along with allies in Canada and the European Union, imposed significant economic sanctions on Moscow shortly after a popular referendum in the territory of Crimea voiced overwhelming support for rejoining the Russian Federation. Russia moved to liberate Crimea – which maintains significant historic and military ties to Russia – after Western support for Ukraine’s Euromaidan coup led an anti-Russian government to take power in Kiev.

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