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South Carolina Hero Pilot Threatened with Arrest by Local Bureaucrats While Rescuing Flood Victims — Claims He was ‘Interfering with the Operation’

October 2nd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/south-carolina-hero-pilot-threatened-arrest-local-bureaucrats/

Local authorities have threatened to arrest a former law enforcement officer turned volunteer pilot, Jordan Seidhom, as he undertakes life-saving rescue missions for stranded families in the wake of devastating floods in the North Carolina mountains. On Saturday morning, Seidhom, a seasoned pilot with nearly 1,400 flight hours and a Class 1 certified law enforcement background, learned about a family stranded in Banner Elk, North Carolina, via social media, according to Queen City News. With their supplies dwindling and desperate pleas for help flooding in, he took matters into his own hands along with his high school junior son, Landon. Loading his helicopter with bottled water and food, he set off to save lives. “I thought, I have a helicopter, maybe I can help,” Seidhom told Queen City News Chief Investigator Jody Barr.

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