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UN Report Reveals Nobody Held Accountable for Crimes Against Russian PoWs in Ukraine

October 2nd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://sputnikglobe.com/20241001/no-one-held-accountable-for-crimes-against-russian-pows-in-ukraine---un-report-1120371487.html

A recent periodic report from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) revealed that no one has been held accountable for crimes committed against Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine. Earlier this year, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, established by the United Nations Human Rights Council, released a report indicating that Ukrainian soldiers committed war crimes by executing and torturing Russian prisoners of war. The UN mission documented 25 instances of reprisals against these prisoners by Ukrainian troops. "The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine reported that as of 16 August 2024, five pre-trial investigations were carried out into possible ill-treatment, as well as wilful killings of Russian prisoners of war, under articles 434 and 438 (“violations of rules and customs of war”) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. However, no person received a notification of suspicion in relation to these investigations," the report read. 'Blood on the Walls': Inside Ukraine’s Torture Chambers

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