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WATCH: Kamala Harris Claims She’s “Now Listening” After Photo-op With Mayor of Augusta, Georgia – Kicks Press Out of Room!

October 2nd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/watch-kamala-harris-claims-shes-now-listening-after/

Kamala Harris pretended to meet with the Mayor of Augusta, Georgia, on Wednesday and kicked the press out of the room after they got a photo of the two together. “Mayor, I am now listening,” she said before her team rushed all the media out of the room. As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, Kamala Harris copycatted Trump and visited Augusta, Georgia, to survey the damage caused by Hurricane Helene over the weekend. This comes three days after President Trump visited Valdosta, Georgia, to provide support and speak to the press about the situation he was briefed on.

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