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Breaking! FBI Linked To Foreign Assassin Targeting Trump, Arranged Terrorist’s Entry Into USA

October 3rd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/breaking-fbi-linked-to-foreign-assassin-targeting-trump-arranged-terrorists-entry-into-usa

A troubling new report by journalist Lee Smith details how the Federal Bureau of Investigations helped a Pakistani assassin with possible connections to Iran to enter America where he planned to try and kill Donald Trump. The Pakistani national, Asif Merchant, was arrested while trying to flee the U.S. one day before would-be Trump murderer Thomas Crooks shot the GOP nominee in the ear in July. Fox News reporter Bill Melugin posted in August about Merchant being let into America by the FBI’s Dallas office, which reportedly sponsored his parole after he was apprehended by Border Patrol agents at a Texas airport. According to Melugin and the FBI, the Bureau allowed the Pakistani into the country so they could monitor him and build a case.

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