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Southern communities hit by Hurricane Helene told to expect extended power outages after Biden sends critical electrical equipment to Ukraine instead

October 3rd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-10-03-communities-hurricane-helene-power-outages-biden-ukraine.html

With Biden at the helm, it's America last (as usual)
It is being reported that an astounding 360 electricity substations throughout the Carolinas and Georgia desperately need new transformers in order to once again operate as they should. There are no transformers left, though, because Biden and Kamala sent them all to Ukraine. "So while they're prioritizing foreign aid, millions of Americans could be left in the dark for months, suffering through extended power outages because of their poor decision-making," tweeted the @amuse X / Twitter account about the situation. "Once again, it's America last under this regime. Oh and don't get me started on selling our nation's strategic petroleum supply to China ..."

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