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Who Bankrolled Routh? Jim Rickards Worries Whether Trump Will Make It to The Election

October 3rd, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/who-bankrolled-routh-jim-rickards-worries-whether-trump-will-make-it-election

The second assassination attempt on the life of Donald Trump in the past two months is already being memory-holed by the mainstream media. Who’s to blame for the second attempt? Beyond the obvious implications for society as a whole, the latest attempt will have major ramifications for markets and investors. That’s because the economic and regulatory policies of the two candidates — Trump and Harris — could not be more different. Trump wants lower taxes, less regulation, high tariffs to create high-paying U.S. jobs (a policy first advocated by Alexander Hamilton and later expanded by Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln), an end to wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, a strong national defense and reforms to the FBI and the intelligence community (IC). Harris wants higher taxes (including much higher capital gains taxes on stock profits), more regulations, open borders (which lowers average wages), a depleted defense posture, permanent wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, censorship of dissenting views (under the false label of “misinformation”) and a continuation of the weaponized FBI and IC to wage war on domestic political opponents. The choice is clear. Yet investors and voters won’t have that choice if Trump is killed.

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