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FEMA under Biden now CONFISCATING donations made to Hurricane Helene survivors

October 5th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-10-04-fema-biden-confiscating-donations-hurricane-helene-survivors.html

Social media is abuzz with reports that the Biden regime is working against the people of Appalachia when it comes to victims of Hurricane Helene receiving donations and supplies for recovery. An individual named Alicia Schubert told a story on Facebook about how the aid that recently arrived from the Red Cross and FEMA was confiscated by the Biden regime, preventing it from being distributed to people in need. "Starting with Davy Crockett High School, they are taking over all volunteer schools in Washington County and Greene County," Schubert claimed in a post about the situation in eastern Tennessee.

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