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Netflix subscribers cancelling subscriptions en masse after co-founder endorses Kamala for president

October 5th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-10-04-netflix-subscribers-cancelling-subscriptions-cofounder-endorses-kamala.html

Netflix saw the largest-ever number of subscription cancellations in a single day this past week after cofounder and CEO Reed Hastings came out in support of Kamala Harris for president. According to reports, Hastings is so thrilled with the idea of Kamala cackling her way into the White House that he donated a whopping $7 million to her already over-bloated war chest. On July 23, Hastings went on X to publicly announce how much he loves Kamala. This prompted the worst business day ever for Netflix, which lost 2.8 percent of its subscriber based in July alone.

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