Lott: About That New Data On Migrant Crime, The new data on all the criminal noncitizens coming into the U.S. is shocking »


October 5th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/national-news/reports-f-e-m-a-blocking-aid-to-hurricane-victims-in-north-carolina

Numerous reports are coming in for several days saying that Agents or Employees of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are deliberately blocking food and water donations to victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina. | It has allegedly gotten so bad, that some volunteers, including Helicopter pilots who have been flying-in to rescue victims around Ashville, NC, have allegedly been threatened with being ARRESTED if they continue trying to help! According to one helicopter pilot, he was told that his activities were "interfering with government" and that only "approved Vendors" can be in the disaster area or provide assistance to victims!

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