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Russia Issues Nuclear Threat to US

October 5th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.newsweek.com/russia-issues-nuclear-threat-us-1964284

Russia "will not hesitate" to resume nuclear weapons testing if similar steps are taken by the United States, according to Sergei Ryabkov, the country's deputy foreign minister. According to Russia's TASS news agency, Ryabkov made the comments during an interview with state-backed RT television network, though there are no indications the U.S. is planning new nuclear weapons tests. The remarks came against the backdrop of renewed nuclear threats from senior Russian officials as the Kremlin seeks to discourage Western military support for Ukraine. Speaking at Russia's Security Council on September 25, President Vladimir Putin hinted Moscow could respond with nuclear weapons to what it described as a "joint attack" from a non-nuclear-armed country backed by an ally with nuclear capability.

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