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Upstate New York homeowner alarmed by immigrants illegally crossing the border through his back yard

October 5th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://lawenforcementtoday.com/upstate-new-york-homeowner-alarmed-by-immigrants-illegally-crossing-the-border-through-his-backyard

FORT COVINGTON, NY - A homeowner in upstate New York described the influx of immigrants illegally crossing into the United States by way of his backyard as "unbelievable," adding that his trail camera set up on his property has captured the men, women, and children coming over from Canada. According to 7 News, the homeowner, Chris Oliver, said that border patrol has its own trail camera picking up the same thing as his trail camera. He said, "Generally, the border patrol is here pretty quick; they're within three, four minutes. Sometimes they're right at the end of the driveway." The driveway is an unpaved road where Oliver's home sits and the cornfield across the way is Canada.

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