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Whistleblower Warns FBI Will Deploy Plainclothes Agents to Maricopa County Polling Stations to Monitor Trump Voters

October 5th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://twitter.com/realAlexKolodin/status/1841875169075212326

PURE INTIMIDATION TACTICS "According to the whistleblower who attended the security briefing, the purpose of his deployment is to make sure Trump voters don't 'get out of line,'" says AZ state Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R). PURE INTIMIDATION TACTICS An FBI whistleblower has come forward warning that the Bureau plans to deploy plainclothes FBI agents to polling stations in Maricopa County, Arizona, to monitor Trump voters. Arizona State Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R) sent a letter Thursday to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding an explanation for the whistleblower’s claims that the deployment of plainclothes agents is meant to ensure Trump voters don’t “get out of line,” a move that could possibly lead to widespread voter suppression. “My office has recently received a report that the FBI will be stationing plain-clothed agents in polling stations throughout Maricopa County. According to the whistleblower who attended the security briefing, the purpose of his deployment is to make sure Trump voters don’t ‘get out of line,'” Kolodin wrote.

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