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Conspiracy? Trucker shocked to find no loads at all are scheduled to go within 125 miles of Ashville, NC

October 6th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://sqauk.com/conspiracy-trucker-shocked-to-find-no-loads-at-all-are-scheduled-to-go-within-125-miles-of-ashville-nc/

Truck driver verified there are no loads on the load board coming within 125 miles of Asheville, following immense devastation and death caused by biblical flooding brought on by Hurricane Helene. A truck driver and YouTuber who goes by the handle of Baby Lion Hotshot says that no loads are on the board and that none are scheduled to go within 125 miles of Ashville, North Carolina, raising many questions. This is profoundly concerning following reports out of the region, which confirm that many people and animals still need help after biblical-level flooding ravaged several states.

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