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October 6th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=255358

While the following exposé reveals an ongoing act of profound betrayal of the U.S. citizenry, it gets worse—MUCH WORSE! It’s of paramount importance to note the obvious here: That the Biden administration was fully aware that the 2024 hurricane season was predicted to be as intense as any in the past 10 years. So FEMA, which is overseen by Sec. Mayorkas’s DHS, knew full well that emergency aid and funds would be vitally necessary for those hurricane-ravaged regions of the country.So what does Mayorkas do: he disburses the FEMA funds earmarked for natural disaster aid to his conspiratorial subterfuge to unlawfully transport and house and fund illegal aliens being illicitly ferried across a purposefully wide open border. But how this this very bad situation get worse?

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