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Pay the devil: How the US will force Europe to pay for its military industrial complex

October 6th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.rt.com/news/605302-pay-devil-us-eu-ukraine/

The outcome of the American elecThe American presidential campaign of 2024 has been marked by a series of unprecedented events. These include lawsuits against one candidate and relatives of the sitting president, assassination attempts against Donald Trump and, finally, the unprecedented situation of Joe Biden being forced out of the race by his own party. All of this has made the election marathon an extraordinary event. Meanwhile, domestic politics in the US is spilling over into the rest of the world, and it’s helping fuel the growing dissatisfaction of the countries representing the world’s majority with the intense attempts by Washington to maintain its leadership. But we should not read too much into the vote, because the policy of seeking to preserve American dominance remains the main strategy of both candidates.tion won’t change anything, because the course is already set.

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