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Putin Puts Israel on Notice: “Stop Committing Genocide, or Else”

October 6th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/putin-puts-israel-on-notice-stop-committing-genocide-or-else/

Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to punish Israel if they don’t stop committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Speaking on behalf of Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issued a public statement calling for an immediate end to all further illegal war crimes against Palestinian citizens using United States-made weaponry. “There can be no justification for acts of terrorism, which Israelis fell victim to on the 7th of October last year, but everyone who still has a sense of compassion is outraged by the fact that the October tragedy is being used for the mass collective punishment of the Palestinians in the form of an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe,” Lavrov declared. “The killing of Palestinian civilians with American weapons must be immediately ended.”

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