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RED ALERT: Democrat-Run Communist Takeover Plot To Unleash Bolshevik Violence After Election Day If Trump Wins

October 6th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=248633

THE 2024/2025 COMMUNIST PLOT TO OVERTHROW THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC AS A PRELUDE TOWARD ESTABLISHING A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AND GLOBAL TOTALITARIAN SUPERSTATE. How the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 one-two punch MO is being used as the blueprint for the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic and 2024/2025 Communist Revolution in the USA. This warning exposé is one of most important ever posted by this Alt Media platform. For what the American people are facing is truly a life or death moment with the coming 2024 POTUS election and beyond. Because Election Day is only a couple of months away and time is very short, please take the time to read or view the following essential links in order to be prepared for what now appears to be inevitable. First, watch this imperative video that follows

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