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'Stockholm Syndrome' is when the abused support their abuser; I argue millions of Americans are now trapped in Stockholm, as harmed, killed by the Malone Bancel Weissman, Sahin et al. mRNA vaccine

October 6th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://palexander.substack.com/p/stockholm-syndrome-is-when-the-abused

Was it mass formation, psychosis? No, bullshit to misdirect you further! Hypnosis? No! A mind game was played on you to get your money (donor) & surrendering of your independent thinking. You, the Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman et al. mRNA vaccinee are plagued with Stockholm Syndrome. Not mass formation psychosis, that was to deceive you…not hypnosis, no…you are not hypnotized. You are not deranged. No. Psychiatrists compare the behavior to the wartime shell shock exhibited by soldiers and explained that the hostages and captives and those abused became/become emotionally indebted to their abductors or captors or those harming them, as in the mRNA technology inventors and vaccine makers. That the COVID mRNA technology inventors and mRNA vaccine makers can be killing those taking their technology, they have somehow convinced the vaccinees that they are doing good by them and that they are not the bad guys. When they are and were.You, the Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman et al. mRNA vaccinee are plagued with Stockholm Syndrome.

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