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Time to Admit the Truth: Beirut hit with tactical nuclear weapon by Israel – 2 to 4 Kilotons (Confirmed by IAEA)

October 6th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.theinteldrop.org/2024/10/05/time-to-admit-the-truth-beirut-hit-with-tactical-nuclear-weapon-by-israel-2-to-4-kilotons-confirmed-by-iaea/

Such a flash only occurs during a fission reaction where nuclear fuel is being consumed with the size of the weapon determined by the diameter of the nuclear fireball and duration of the event (Truth Bomb) The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) dropped more bombs on Beirut on Sunday, causing a large explosion in the Lebanese capital. The air raids continued into the night as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to redouble the fight against Hezbollah, which has been firing rockets and mortar shells into northern Israel.

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