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Helene Death Toll Rises In NC And TN Military Finally Given Orders To Help

October 7th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://rense.com/general97/helene-death-toll-rises.php

vil beyond belief. I just can’t get over how vile these people are! I can’t get my mind around the situation and understand why G-d hasn’t smote them. Calling and working toward the death of 4 billion “useless eaters” with orchestrated “disasters,” adulterating and destroying the food supply, using biological and chemical weapons, destroying life-saving energy supplies, encouraging lawlessness, engaging in nonsensical and deadly wars - PURPOSELY HURTING human beings made in G-d’s image. The Helene, East Palestine, Lahaina tragedies have brought this into such sharp relief. They are so NOT like us and can execute their plans minus any burden of guilt. It’s beyond my understanding. Janet Levy Ross North Carolina is in total chaos. Americans are stranded in the mountains. It appears as though our government has waited until people are lost and dying before they’ve ordered military help. Ft. Bragg has medical helicopters that could have been there in 3 hours on the first day.

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