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Hillary Clinton urges government to prioritize social media censorship, warns of ‘losing total control’

October 7th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://sqauk.com/hillary-clinton-urges-government-to-prioritize-social-media-censorship-warns-of-losing-total-control/

Clinton advocates for stricter regulations on social media platforms, calling censorship a top legislative priority. Meanwhile, Platform X’s censorship of independent journalists, including Sqauk editor-in-chief Shepard Ambellas, raises fresh concerns about media freedom. In a recent series of statements, Hillary Clinton has reignited the debate on social media regulation. She expressed her frustration that the government has not censored or moderated specific platforms. The former Secretary of State strongly argued that without immediate action to moderate content on these platforms, the government risks “losing total control.” Clinton’s call for more robust social media regulations has sparked significant controversy. Critics claim this could further limit free speech and exacerbate political polarization. The urgency of this issue cannot be overstated, as the future of online discourse hangs in the balance.

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